My coaching value with Pam has been remarkable. She has made me think she has made me question in a good way on what I want my future to look like. I've had to take notes within me. For once I wanna do more for me, I wanna make me a priority, talking about this brings emotions because I forgot me. PAM has a sense of calmness, no judgment and a sense of power to be in agreement in the purpose and the plans that God has for you. She is truly a gift. Only God could cross our path and this experience in this short period of time has definitely been refreshing .
Partnering with Ms. Pamela for her Adult Daughter Reset - Healing from Unhealthy Mother\Daughter relationships was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made on my healing journey! During each session, Ms. Pamela wisely and lovingly helped me peel back the layers of so much dysfunction, emotional pain, and lack of clarity about who I am.
I started to heal emotionally. I learned how to value, protect, love, and advocate for myself. I’m becoming better at boundary setting and prioritizing myself for once! I’m so glad I made this investment in myself!
"The Lord knows exactly who and what you need in order to get to the next level in your faith so that you may live the life God wants you to live. Mrs. Pam Evans is a fervent prayer warrior and her dedication to Christ and seeing others flourish in their walk is like no other. She is a phenomenal woman of God who has shared with myself and many others many biblical teachings, words of wisdom, and nuggets of knowledge to move us from a place of complacency into a place of Purpose!!! Thank you for doing Gods work without hesitation Mrs.Evans!"
"Working with Mr. & Mrs. Evans for our pre-marital counseling turned out to be everything we needed!! Pam's guidance and tough love was exactly what I personally needed to grow and step into my healing. She actually taught me what it meant to be a virtuous wife and gave me specific scriptures on how to walk that out in my own life; before we even got engaged. She challenged me in ways that literally pushed me closer to God. I felt more than prepared for marriage because of their teachings that were based on biblical fact. I pray that every couple considering marriage go through counseling but if they are blessed enough to be under the help of the Evans' they are guaranteed to grow as long as they have an open heart to receive."
I Thessalonians 5:11 tells us "Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing."
"An encourager is one who inspires with courage, spirit, or confidence. When I think of this definition, I immediately think of Pam Evans. Her inspiring words are spoken with confidence to bring confidence to others by building them up through their life situations. Each time I receive encouragement from Pam, it is always to build me up IN my circumstances not OUTSIDE of them. Pam is that "go to" person to provide inspiration and necessary building blocks to bring about excellence in life. She's a real person who has lived a real life which allows her to give real encouragement."
Love and Hugs!
"When working with Pamela make sure to have pencil and paper handy. Why, because she has a habit of dropping thought provoking nuggets that will transform the way you think. I look forward to our weekly session as we deep dive chapter by charter through "The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth" as Pamela's insight on each of the chapters inspires me to desire and seek out continual growth."
"Pamela has worked with me to discuss goals, ideas, problems and solutions. She questioned and challenged me to develop an action plan. With Pam’s encouragement I’ve been able to launch a business, my relationships have improved and I have more overall joy in my life."
"I met Leroy and Pam over 6 years ago, at my premarital counseling session. I did not know what to expect since this was my first time having marital counseling and from a couple I never met before. Leroy and Pam made my then fiancé and I very comfortable to open-up and expose our weaknesses and concerns. The advice they gave was unmatched. They used a variety of material for example; the bible, worksheets, books, games, and real life experience to help us understand what marriage was all about and how to handle conflict that would arise. I still to this day talk to the Evans and seek help from them. Those counseling sessions blossomed into a friendship that means so much to me. I am so grateful for the knowledge, wisdom, and genuine concern they have for helping people."
"Working with the Evans has been one of the best choices for our marriage. Having their continuous support and accountability as we work through differences and establish healthier communication and boundaries has been a God send. There is no real way we can repay them for how their services have blessed us!! Forever grateful."
My experience with Pam was beyond what I expected going in; each session was different, they were instructive, informative, encouraging and other times it would be giving me tools to work through things. At the end of my time
I had improved in so many different aspects of myself that though I didn't
go for marriage counseling, my marriage got better as an indirect benefit.
I would definitely recommend
Pam as a Life Coach.
Are you frustrated, feeling that all hope is gone, and that nobody cares... well I'd like for you to meet Leroy and Pam. It's hard for me to put into words the impact their counseling and support has meant to my marriage, parenting, ministry and family.
I've never meet a couple like Pam and Leroy before. Their commitment to their clients something I'll never forget. Whatever it took to get my wife and I to understand what the Lord required of us, was done. Whatever time was needed for us was given without question. We even received follow up calls and bonus sessions just to make sure we were ok. I feel like the Lord was not only giving us counselors but life-friends. Don't let the frustrations, pain, doubts and fears rule your heart... turn to a trusted sources of Jesus Style TLC, Word Based, Godly Counselors... Leroy and Pam
I am excited to share with you how Pam has been an incredible blessing to me and my family. While we have known her for many years, we started listening to her Monday Night Foundations class as Covid took off. During this very dire and uncertain time, there was so much to be fearful of and worry about. However, there was one constant, soul fulfilling thing that my 12-year-old daughter, my sister, mother and I looked forward to every Monday evening. It was Pam’s Intercession in Action. Pam tirelessly walked us through the word of the Lord. She poured into us on a weekly basis. She encouraged us to use our time wisely, as none of us knows when our time on earth will end. Pam taught us about the BIBLE (Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth) and she used real life and biblical examples to help us to understand that the Bible is just as relevant to us today, as it was in the past. I encourage you and your loved ones, whether male or female to take the time to listen and meditate on the word that is being shared. Your salvation depends on it!
"Attending Pam's VIP Ministry gathering for the last 2 years challenged me in every area of my life. One area in particular is when we volunteered at Feed My Starving Children. It was my first time doing that type of service. Overall, I had a very nice experience. Moving forward, I would love to continue serving God and his people in ministry."
"I have had the most wonderful opportunity to sit under the teachings of Pam Evans for many years. Pam has always been able to see things in me that I did not see in myself. Pam encourages and is prophetic in so many ways. Three years ago I was at her New Years - Year start prayer and prophetic gathering and she said to me - God has enlarged your field. You are going to do more in the area of Art for Him. I had no idea what I would do but I accepted it and boy did God open my Art field. I have had the opportunity to share my faith through painting parties I teach. I pray with them, encourage them and have the chance to share God's message to others. I also have had the opportunity to do drawings in charcoal during women's worship night and God ministers to others from the work I create through Him. Pam is an amazing encourager of God to me and many others. She is a leader of leaders and gives of her time to help us walk our walk with the Lord. Thank you Pam for your encouragement and prayers our the years."
I entered coaching with Pamela Evans at a time in my life when I was very closed because of life experiences. Our interactions were insightful as she employed thought-provoking exercises to bring challenges to the forefront. That was the beginning of my pursuit of wholeness. I have improved aspects of my life and experienced deep inner healing. I'm blessed to have encountered her.
I grew up conditioned and measured by a narcissistic scale that offered me nothing less than criticism. I developed a pattern of putting myself down to beat others to it even if I had to disguise it as a joke. ADULT DAUGHTER RESET, gave me the courage I needed, unapologetically, to identify what I need and allowing me to make myself a priority mentally physically and spiritually. I accept and love me.
Glory to God. ADR has help me to take a look at who I am in Christ and realize that I had to over come the spirit of rejection, Pamela Evans truly helped me thru prayer and supplication. Now I must do the work that she has shown me. I must lay out before my savior face for Mary to get totally delivered then come again for the next chapter in Jesus name I thank you Pamela Evans.
ADR provides a space for women where we can be open and vulnerable without judgment so we express our life experiences, and begin our individual healing process. I experienced a breakthrough in the few minutes of our first session and every session after.
This Adult Daughter Reset has been an absolute BLESSING …
I’ve completed 3 sessions already and my life is not the same , Praise the lord.
Within these 3 months I’ve been able to except the reality of my mother for who she is , and taking on the responsibility of my role, and doing the work for complete healing, and forgiveness to myself .
I’m no longer looking for the mother I thought she should’ve been , now I’m able to Love , Honore and Respect her for the mother that she is, Glory be to God.
Most importantly I’ve learned taking the time to love myself better is critical for my healing. The shame of my past has no hold on me any longer, I’m free from viewing my life from the wounded places of my past . I now have healthy boundaries put in place to continue this journey called my life… I’m so looking forward to seeing what the remaining months has to unfold… Pam I’m so thankful to God for your vision and obedience in putting this Group together for us women who are ready and will to walk-in the Beauty and Boldness that God has called us to walk in.
Working with Pam doesn't feel like counseling but like a partnership in becoming your best self. I was very guarded and while aware I didn't understand how I was protecting myself from authentic relationships with people and myself. Pam allowed me to share my experiences and not get suck. She has helped me to heal, grow, and forgive others and myself. Pam is honest with you at all times and challenges you to be honest with yourself about your feelings and thoughts. Is the process easy? Nope, not at all but Pam doesn't counsel by keeping track of time she guides you by helping you MAP out a plan and partnering with you in your process.
My husband and I are committed to meeting with Pam and her husband once or twice a year for a marriage check up. You know how you take your car in, or an annual at the doctor. Well they are our marriage mentors and this year we have met other couples through their Cultivating Couples ministry. My husband and I enjoy the atmosphere of marriages growing better and better. The sounds of husbands and wives laughing, learning, and chatting through simple things that go by the side when life hits really sets a great tone for our week. We enjoy listening to the views of other men and women that are committed to love, respect, and fun in marriages.
If I could offer sound advice I'd say be sure you are ready to become and I promise there is no better counselor in the earth than Pam Evans to partner with you in your process.
There is still so much we can learn on our journey with the Lord. Realizing age nor how long we have been saved does not matter. There is always a need for more.
God is an Awesome and Faithful Father. Jesus completed His work for us. Therefore, it is our responsibility to permit the Holy Spirit to teach and help us to become all we have been created to be.
ADR sessions are an excellent opportunity to have a safe place to allow the revealing, healing and encouragement needed in our lives. There are heartfelt discussions and helpful insightful, authentic teachings. I have been tremendously blessed and enlightened participating in these ADR sessions with my beloved friend, Pam Evans.
When God sends you a woman of God such as Pam Evans you have to stop and listen to her wisdom. Her class has helped me identify my triggers and deep seed issues that are being resolved if not resolved from the wisdom given. My biggest take away has been implementing self-care. Self-care is more than getting your nails done (although that's included too) but it's about protecting your peace. Removing yourself from harmful situations and relationships. It's acknowledging that you matter. I recommended this to any daughter who needs the tools to transition from hurt to healed.
This ministry has provided my wife and I an opportunity to socialize with other married couples. We have an opportunity to learn, share and laugh with other couples. We look forward to the monthly meetings and events. These sessions are also an opportunity for us to see members outside the church walls. The leaders Pam and LeRoy have provided great venues, tools, games and entertainment for us all. We are grateful for the time and attention to others. Their experience and knowledge are a testament to their marriage. Their Godly advice and instruction to make a great marriage is so greatly appreciated. Thank you for all that are involved in this organization. We recommend this ministry to anyone looking for a pathway of marital care. You are a blessing to many. Blessed and thankful.
Nine months ago, I was at a desperate place in life that had me crying out to God for help. I had specifically asked God to send someone into my life that could be a spiritual mentor. God heard me and answered my with prayers Pam. Through this relationship I have not only been mentored but have also been connected to groups that have enhanced my knowledge and spiritual walk with the Lord. Pam has counseled me, prayed with me, and invited me into groups that have impacted my spiritual life tremendously. The Adult Daughter Reset has provided a safe space where women can share their experiences without judgement. As women we come together and talk about our different issues and experiences. This group provides an opportunity to talk about issues that have roots that we often have not dealt with. Pam guides us through identifying, confronting and solution based teachings. I am thankful for the opportunity to be a part of a group that fulfills my expectation or release, growth and freedom.
Women Helping Women Advance Spiritually has been a positive impact on my life. I love being surrounded by women who serve different purposes. Women Helping Women Advance Spiritually has helped me advance spiritually when encouraging me to hop into the Monday Prayer calls and book club as well as allowing me to relax and reflect during the retreat at Avani Spa where we ate delicious food and got pampered with massages. Women Helping Women Advance Spiritually is a perfect depiction of women pouring into one another while filling their cup as well.
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